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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A few of my favorite things...

Well, Christmas is almost here, I have less and less on my to do list, I feel like I can relax a bit now and enjoy more! I have really enjoyed visiting my fellow bloggers Christmas pictures, thier homes, trees, decorations! I thought I would post a few of my favorite things to share. I have pared way down this year and only brought out a "few" of my favorite things.

This is my tree, we always get a live one, although at times I wish it was fake, but the hubby loves the smell! My tree would not win any beauty contests, there is no rhyme or reason to my decorating. I just put the mish mash of things from past and present, mostly things that mean something to me.   The things that mean the most are the little pictures the kids made into ormaments in grade school, the handmade's given with love from little hands, and the hands of my Mother. The little ornaments with names of past pets that have passed away. The ormaments that bring back memories from special people. Every year without fail as I am decorating my tree, a few tears fall, some bittersweet, but all hold a special place in my heart.

I love snowmen and roosters, I can't really say I collect them since only a few ever make the cut to come into my home! They all have to have that special "something." I do not own anything I have made, these are all from other artists. I will show you a few of my top favorites, the one you see here is my all time number 1. This comes from a friend of mine who I left behind when I moved, she does not do them anymore, but she did gorgeous ceramics. This is a very big snowman, he stands at least three feet tall. He stays out all winter long.

Here is yet another snowman from Marie, the same gal that made the first one. He is also large, only a little shorter than the other one! I love him almost as well as the first one. His wreath will light up if he is plugged in.

 This is my mantle, I usually put a snowman picture above, but I did not this year. The two middle guys, a santa and another snowman "can't see him well", are two more items from Marie, the other two snowmen are fellows I puchased at bazaars

What you see here is an "old" ornament I have had almost my entire life, he has been my favorite as long as I can remember, and I am lucky he is still with me. He brings back a lot of memories of younger days, he adorned flocked trees, un-flocked trees and many in between. I lovingly put him out every year and hope he can hold up for many more! This is the only ornament I have from early days.

Here is another favorite thing I love to do! this is a great idea for all you ladies that have pendant lighting. It is so very festive to take ribbon and christmas balls to adorn your lights. I take and make my bow first, when I tie up the middle I leave a nice sized tail for anchoring. I then add my balls with needle and thread. I tie it on with my ribbon tails. This looks good achored next the light or somewhere in the middle, I have done it both ways.

Here is a view of my three pendants, it adds so much holiday charm!

And last but not least is my kitchen, my absolute favorite room in my home, I doubt I will ever get tired of it! I walk in and immediately it has a calming effect on me. Beyond the glass door is a pantry that I do not know how I ever lived without! If and when I have to move, this will be the hardest thing for me to walk away from. I thank God I have it to enjoy now!

Thank you for letting me share just little bits and pieces of my favorite things! Of course these are only "things",  what I treasure most of all, and where my true treasure can be found, are my friends and family, each one precious and priceless beyond measure. The real reason we celebrate Christmas, is not for the good food and gifts, it is the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who came to bring us the free gift of salvation and forgivness for all who will accept it.

Merry Christmas to you all!


  1. Jody, your kitchen is absolutely looks like a picture out of a magazine! And thanks so much for idea of how to adorn your pendant lights; that's a great idea!

    Your tree and all your ornaments are so sweet; isn't it great to walk down memory lane each year?

    And the ceramic snowmen...way too cute! Your friend is so talented.


  2. Ok, Jody, all I can say is wow....I love your kitchen. It is picture perfect!! Your tree is beautiful. I love to see a tree decorated with the handiwork of small children and all their memorabelia.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. You do have a beautiful kitchen and lovely home! I miss having a mantle to decorate...but I do have some pendant lights I could do something with! Love your sweet ornament from your childhood! How special! Happy holidays! ♥

  4. Hi Jody,
    Beautiful tree! I am like you things that mean something to me and usually have no rhyme or reason. Just love all your decorating!
    Happy Holidays!!

  5. I think your tree is beautiful. Your whole house is lovely. The pendant light idea is neat. You've got a cute collection of Snowmen.

  6. I love your tree it is like mine, full of memories. I have never decorated the lights. What a good idea. You kitchen is out of this world.
    Christmas Blessings

  7. Ho ho ... what a wonderful Christmas do "we" do that.? You make the most magnificent things... Yet you don't have any of your own stuff....HAHA. never enough time to just make yourself something....HAHA I know. Anyway...I love your kitchen...Wow....and the tree ...I do the is about the memories...that makes the tree so Warm and Christmasy!

  8. OK Jody, now I know that I have to start liking coffee! One day I'm going to come to your house for a cup, just so I can sit in your beautiful kitchen! Love your house and all of your Christmas decor! Merry Christmas! Kim

  9. Jody, I just happened to find your fabulous blog and I joined it.
    I LOVE your blog, it is awesome.

    Your ornaments on your Christmas tree are awesome.
    Your home looks like it should be in a book or magazine. I can't wait to see more posts!!!
    I have a blog too, please stop by I love getting new follower's too.

    Christmas Blessings Jody and to your family,


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your thoughts! I enjoy each and every comment.


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