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Sunday, October 23, 2011

We're all sad sometime...

Well here is my very un-happy primitive snowman, this is a sneak peek, I will post the rest of him later when he is completely finished. I could wait, but I get way too excited to share! He is a OOAK. There is major boo-boo face going on here, I know you Mother's have seen this look before!

 You probably are wondering what posessed me to sculpt such a sad snowman, it is funny when you sculpt, sometimes you sculpt your mood! On this day, I had my clay and I started in, and I thought to myself, why does everyone of these snowman and holiday charactors have to be cute and smiley???, out of rebellion and probably a sad mood myself, this little guy was born.

I will let you decide why you think he is so sad, there could be a host of reasons, my hubby looked at him and sad, well of course he's sad, look at his nose!! LOL I wish the picture showed it but he has a tear running down his right eye. I used two applications of Crystal Laquer and it worked great!

In other news, I just photographed my first tutorial, I will post it here when I get the pictures edited. I made a new batch of my cinnamon buttons and documented the process for my  blog. I have no idea how these things work so I am winging it so to speak. The weather here feels cold, kind of dreary today, makes you feel a bit like the snowman here. I may need to soak in a hot tub tonight, now that sounds wonderful...


  1. Oh my goodness Jody, I am lost for words! He is the greatest! I love his expressions, just wonderful. He is sad, because he knows down the road he will be nothing but a pale of water! Thanks for making me laugh!

  2. I adore his sad little face. He's so cute.


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