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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time to lose a few...

This is the time of year when everyone says to themselves, look at all that Holiday eating, it went straight to my hips!! I am working up to finally shedding a few, some substantial pounds. I am tired of feeling more tired than I should and am ready to have more energy! I am thinking of doing what works for me and that is more fruits and veggies, no snacking and less breads, sugars and empty carbs. I guess I should dust off that treadmill too. Oh Joy! I think I liked it better as a make-shift hanger.

In other news, be watching soon for another giveaway here!! I am excited to announce that I am working hard to get my first pattern ready for sale!. I am having trouble though, I cannot figure out a cute and catchy name for this pattern. SOOOO I thought I would have a NAME THAT PATTERN GIVEAWAY. :-) The suggestion I actually use wins! I will post a sneak peek of my finished doll soon, although there is much work to be done on the pattern itself. I will be offering my patterns in E-patterns and mailables.

I want to thank Kim of Old Road Primitives, and Carol of Buttermilk Creek Farms for thier encouragment to me on starting this pattern adventure! Sometimes all it takes is a gentle push from friends. I have over 24 years of experience in sewing and creating, so I do think I am ready to offer my ideas as patterns. I will have Carol and Kim critique the pattern before it is released so I know they are user friendly.

My tree is down and I am back to normal around here, Christmas is over and it is time to move on! I will be adding pictures soon to my painting tips page, I also need to fine tune it, but I am hoping that this will be helpful. My goal is to add enough pictures to that you can see some of the steps and techniques I use when painting.

 I hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. Oh...I am on board for the dieting...ugh...hate that word. Love the veggies though.

    I also love the idea of showing us some of the painting techniques used in your patterns. Some of us REALLY need them...ha! Looking forward to the preview of your new pattern!


  2. Hey,

    Do we have ESP or what? Tomorrow is my "D" day! I'm not good at dieting, that word never used to be in my vocabulary! Oh well, it is now! For me it's low carb and high protein!

    Your giveaway sounds like a lot of fun! I, like Carol, can't wait to preview your new pattern! Thanks for sharing all of your tips and tricks! Lots of Luck in your new pattern venture!


  3. Oh dear, I really need to get back on my diet too. I've gained back half of what I lost before Thanksgiving. And I'm getting ready to get up and cut myself a slice of pumpkin pie. I'm so weak!

    Can't wait to see your new pattern. You always do the most amazing things!


  4. Oh dear if only it was as easy to take the kliograms off as it is to put them on???

    I will certainly love the pictures in your tutorials. I need all the help I can get.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your thoughts! I enjoy each and every comment.


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