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Thursday, January 26, 2012

A little Show And Tell...

I have been missing in action because life has thrown me some curve balls in the past week. Do you ever have weeks and days like that? You try to plan your days but they get totally engulfed by unexpected happenings, that's been my life lately. I am trying to fit in the completion of my first pattern, few curve balls there too. I have had to figure out a few problems with this as they arise, the learning phase is always the slowest, I am hoping this process speeds up as I become more comfortable with the process of turning my ideas into finished sellable patterns.

My pattern is almost ready, but until then I want to show you all doll # 2 for this pattern. She was made from the same pattern, just different face, socks, hair and apron embellishments. Here she is with Annie, I hope you like her! I have come up with thier official names, Emma Ann & Lindy!

Lindy's apron is embellished with vintage buttons!

Lindy's face was basecoated and painted in acrylics.

I know I said there would be a giveaway soon, I promise it is coming, once this pattern is done I will have time to make up something fun to giveaway! Stay tuned..


  1. Hello Jody, I was just wondering about you today! I know you have been busy and I can see why, my goodness what another beautiful doll, love the face. Beautiful as always!

  2. Gorgeous painting on Lindy's face. Lovely dollies! :)

  3. Wow, Jody...I'm impressed! Both of your little Rag Dolls are darling! You rock!!! You'll be a pro with your patterns before you know it! I know that it can be frustrating at first! Kim

  4. the detail in their faces is do such nice work..I would love to do a swap with you mother in law would love one of your gorgeous dolls...:)

  5. Lindy has a beautiful face as well.
    I know the feeling of curved balls, I have struck some today.

  6. I can tell you love to paint. It shows in the faces of these two wonderful dolls. Lovely work on both.

  7. offer both beautiful dolls in one pattern....they are equally beautiful. What is not to love? I love Lindy's face! Your artistic abilities with a brush are amazing!!! I have been so anxious to see the new dolly...thanks so much for sharing!!! THEY ARE BOTH WONDERFUL!!!

  8. Those dolls are beautiful! The detail work in their faces is amazing!!

  9. Hi, I have really beautiful couple! Each one seems to have his personality, their faces look insurmountable! greetings, Rose M

  10. Love your dolls!!! The painting is fabulous!!! They look real!! Wish I could do eyes like that!!!


  11. Your dolls are beautiful. It must be very difficult to make a
    pattern. Good Luck with that. I'm anxious to see the final


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