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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vintage Show And Tell

I Love Vintage anything, always have, I love things that have been around, have a story and have been many places before I obtained them. I wish they could talk, I would love to know just where they've been. They represent a simpler time, a whole different way of life, they have character marks from years of wear, really who doesn't love that! I sure do. I thought once a week I would share tidbits of some vintage things I love.
This is a recent purchase of mine, I was so excited to see it on Etsy! I love the way these look and have wanted one for a long time. I have seen them in my travels, antique stores mostly, but most just do not have the charm I was looking for. This little sweetheart was perfect! It is a Circa 1907 Columbia 24 lb kitchen scale. I loved the patina this one has, the green is still very much in tact on this scale. Since green is my favorite color, I was even more thrilled with it. The best part is it actually still works very well.
Here is a better picture of the face of the scale. It was very dingy and had a coating of brownish gunk on it, but I took my trusy old magic eraser and it literally melted off. This is night and day compared to when I first got it, those erasers do an amazing job on everything. If you have never tried one, I highly recommend it.
Here are two more of my treasures. My aunt had a bookcase full of the Johnny Gruelle Raggedy Ann and Andy books, she had them all, my cousin and I spent hours reading them and playing with our dolls. These are still such sweet memories! The wonderful adventures Raggedy Ann and Andy had together were magical and we dreamed our dolls did the same things. The action packed stories were a lot of the reason I fell in love with this doll, and cherished mine so much as a child. A few years back I found these two books in a friends garage sale, I snapped them up quick. Needless to say I am so happy I have these wonderul pieces of history. These two copies are in mint condition, really don't look like they had been read or handled much. Inside it says that the price was $2.75, wow have things changed! The first copyright for these books was 1920 by P.F. Volland Company. The renewed copyright was 1947 by Myrtle Gruelle. In 1948 there was a copyright by Johnny Gruelle. My book says 1960 in it, that makes these books 3 years older than I am, oops I just gave up my age.
This sad little vintage scale was not what I thought it would be, I ordered it online and am not very happy with it. It is not in as good of shape as it appeared in it's photos, I even had the idea it was a shabby white from the pictures, low and behold it was rusty metal. All is not lost here, when the weather warms up in the spring, I will take it out, clean it up and will spray paint it, who knows it may be simply wonderful then.

Last but not least is my childhood raggedy ann, this doll was handmade for me. I loved her the most of all my dolls. She is probably upwards of 35 plus years old now, she has held up quite well really. I was always very careful with my dolls and took very good care of them. She is not longer played with but now has a special place in my glass cabinet. Thanks for letting me share a few of my vintage treasures!
I came across a blog that hosts a link party every thursday called Vintage Thingie Thursdays. If you love vintage you should check out all the blog posts on this subject. CLICK HERE to go there.

I have been working hard on finishing my first pattern, it is almost done! I have great respect for all you designers, a lot of thought and work goes into it. I am enjoying every minute of it though! My head is spinning with what I will do next, I do believe since Easter is coming my next pattern will be a bunny. But first I need to finish doll number 2 that will also be a part of this pattern.

Winter has arrived here, ground is white and the snow is falling, I can forget going straight into spring like I visioned may happen, wow was I wrong!


  1. What a treasure the green scales are.
    Snowing!!!! I can only picture sceens of beauty in my head.

  2. Hi Jody,
    I ~Love~ your new scale! Looks like you cleaned it up pretty well! Wow, you did take care of your dolls! Funny, that you loved this little doll so much and here you are years later making them, just like someone did yours! Yep, we got snow too this morning 7 to 8 inches! We needed it! Blessings, Kim

  3. I love that green scale too..they are so neat..I have a black one in my kitchen..and a hanging one in my dining room..and we are the same age.:)

  4. I like the scales. I have one in my kitchen, it's painted gray. I also found a Raggedy Ann and Andy book from the 40's. I adore it. I also have my childhood Raggedy Ann. She's 50 years old! I got her when I was 5.
    How interesting that we have the same items!

  5. I just love vintage food scales too. Found one a year ago at a local shop for a steal! There's someone in the OFG group that paints scenery on these too; so, if you decide to do more than just change the patina of the metal looking one...I bet you could come up with something beautiful painted on it too. Looking forward to your first pattern release! I have 5 now; whoohoo!!! Ilene

  6. I love the old scales too.I still remember my raggedy ann from childhood.Loved little black belindy and the horse to but can't remember his name.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  7. You had a field day and made a haul on this outing. Everything is a nice vintage keeper.

  8. I love both of your scales. One is pristeen shape and the just needs a little tlc and it will be beautiful too. I have to try one of those erasers.

    I never had an annie growing up, but if I did I would have loved one just like yours. It is beautiful!


  9. I love old scales - - - I don't have one, but maybe I should put it on my "want" list.

    Love the Raggedys too.

  10. The green scales are very special. I can see why you feel for them! Hugs, Linda

  11. I had both of those books!! Who knows whatever happened to them. I wish I knew or still had them..I totally forgot about them until this post! Happy VTT

  12. Jody, Did you have a Mrs. Beasley Doll when you were growing up? Kim

  13. Love your kitchen scale, Jody. I have one that's not nearly as neat as yours; yours has so much more "character".

    We got snow all week here; it finally stopped and now the temp's around 35 so it's starting to melt. It was pretty while it lasted, though!



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