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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Meet Cookie... A Prim Kitchen Dolly

Hello Friends...

I  want to share a new doll I just finished, this little girl and Ginger the kitty will be my PFATT offerings for this month on the 10th. I may make her into pattern # 7, am still pondering...

Meet Cookie, a sweet primitive dolly to hang on the wall and bless your kitchen! She holds a child sized spatula I found in an antique store. Her apron was made using ORP's method of transfering images onto fabric. The apron has a picture of a crow. Her face and shoes are hand painted. She is stained nice and prim! I love how her sweet face turned out, just makes you want to pinch those cheeks.

I figured I had better get on here and post an update, I know I have been terrible lately, sorry... This time of year is a tough one for me to stay motivated, the delayed nice weather doesn not help!. Truth be told I have been dealing with my own personal struggles, one of them is fighting off depression. I know a lot of you are no stranger to this "thing". I do not always deal with depression, but wow when it comes knocking on my door I have to practically wage war against it. If you are like me, it is best you do not even turn on the t.v news or read about it, this is so toxic when you are already vulnerable. I have to remind myself of where my hope is, it cannot be in the world and it's circumstances, but in God. When I say some prayers, escape into my world of creating and whimsical dolls, I feel like things are going to be okay.

I hope you all have a nice Easter!


  1. Happy Easter to all at Bear Creek Whims.
    Your doll is wonderful

  2. I love her! She is a real beauty with the face of a little cherub. Happy Easter to you and yours!


  3. I love your sweet doll and you are right..some prayers and then getting busy creating and making beautiful things is good for what ails us. Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  4. Hi Jody,

    My vote is that you should turn Cookie into a pattern! She's a "cutie pie"! I hope that you are feeling better soon! Sunny days are on the way!

    Blessings, Kim

  5. Hello Jody, love the new doll, she is so cute and the face, just love it. You are really getting these patterns going, no stopping there, I am so happy for you! I do hope you will have a wonderful Easter with your family. Hanni

  6. joyeuses pâque
    bravo pour cette poupée, elle est superbe

  7. Happy Easter Jody! Oh my just have to turn Cookie into a pattern....she is soooooo sweet! Excellent job my friend on creating her. I hope you are feeling better real soon.....
    Big Hugs

  8. Prayer and meditation will help. Also being so creative like you should help some too. Your creations are so beautiful - love your new doll.
    Take care and many blessings to you.


  9. Your doll is adorable! As far as the depression, I too suffered a short time. Best thing doctor told me, 30 minutes of excercise a day, LOTS of water and definately no tv news or newspaper, she said you won't be out of the loop, if its something that needs to be heard you'll find out about it somehow. Put your faith in God and keep creating, you do wonderful work :)


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