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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Three Things...

Well first bit of news is that I was recently accepted on the Pfatt Marketplace website! I will be showcasing my things on both Prim Nest and Pfatt. I am excited to have two wonderful outlets to sell my artwork. Pfatt offerings will be added once monthly on the 10th. Do you think I will be busy?

My newest project is taking shape. I have started a one-of-a-kind doll, her head is almost done being sculpted, just have one more ear to go! I do think she is telling me she wants to be a pretty little bed doll. These sculpts end up with thier own personalities and can have minds of thier own! She will be one of my featured items on June 10th.

Third...... I am one week into trying to not snack, eating healthier, attempting to slim down, it is going okay for the most part, BUT refraining from grabbing those yummies is almost all I can do at times.... Right about now I would give anything for a high functioning metabolism.

Happy Sunday all.....


  1. I love your dolls, and I do understand about snacking while crafting. I'm trying to not do the same. I keep busy painting or crafting so I don't snack. Keep up the good work. You are very talented.

  2. Thank you so much, you are sweet! I do think the weight thing is a burden that almost all women especially over 40 have to deal with, ARGH....


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