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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Coffee Time!

Good morning ~ I am now looking out the window at a frosty ground, COLD and overcast, that can only mean one thing....SNOW! I know many wish for it not to arrive, but not me, I enjoy it immensely. It helps that I live in an area that is always ready for it, so there are no "snow days" here. So I say... let it snow!  

I have already stuffed 5 heads and one body for some orders this morning and I am ready for that Coffee! I do hope it makes me do things faster,  and of course with more energy, BUT I am hoping to leave out the stupid! :-) I think I am like most and look  forward to my nice cup of coffee in the morning more than anything.  I do work in a coffee shop three mornings a week, so I am of the strong belief that Coffee DOES makes the world go round, and no I don't mean Folgers! I guess I would have to add Glitter to that, awww, now the world is spinning perfectly! I do not recommend coffee and glitter together however, I draw the line at sparkly coffee.

I would love suggestions if anyone has any on what type of tutorials you might like to see from me on this blog? Also, I hope that in some small way my artwork inspires you to be creative, try new things, or sparks a desire to jump in and see if perhaps there is a creative talent within you just waiting to be discovered! I have no secrets here, so if I can help, email me. Never assume you can't, try new things, practice, see what works, the worst that can happen is you get a good laugh and have to toss it in the garbage.


  1. Hi Jody, I would love a tutorial on how you paint such cute faces! Just an idea! Have a great day! Kim

  2. I'd love to know how to make something a gingerbread man. Can you rub something onto the fabric? ♥


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