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Sunday, November 27, 2011


Be sure to check out this sweet blog giveaway from Pam at Antique or Not. This ends Dec. 10th, CLICK HERE to enter into her 300th post giveaway!

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone, they just seem to be coming and going faster and faster, is there any way to slow this down? We ate, then ate some more, had to roll home, but a good time was had by all. Good food, family, friends and a nice visit! We spent the day in town to shop yesterday, it truly was a zoo of people, wears me out, but I always have a good time dinging around with the hubby, and we did accomplish a few things!

I "should" be decorating, making Christmas cards, figuring out dinner, and my shopping list, making a few more goodies to sell, make a few gifts of my own..... BUT I think I need dynamite right now to get me moving, at least if feels that way. Do you ever have so much piling up, that the thought of it literally renders you useless, and you therefore get nothing done? I wish you all more productivity than seems to be happening here right now! Have a wonderful and relaxing Sunday.


  1. I had so much stuff out that I couldn't stand I stopped decorating. I like what I have out and don't really need to keep going! I want to do some sewing and crafts! Hugs! ♥

  2. Thanks for posting about my giveaway, Jody! I truly appreciate it.

    I know what you mean about getting stuff done...I still need to do my Christmas cards, and Hubby just finished putting up the Christmas tree so now I need to decorate it. I'm hoping I can find all my Christmas stuff now that we've moved! LOL


  3. The faster I hurry the further behind I get...heehee! Tis the time of year, dearie. I have to focus on one project or I find myself jumping from one to the other without finishing anything.

    Hope tomorrow is more productive for you.


  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one behind.
    I love your snow man, he is wonderful.


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