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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blogger Award

I was honored to receive the versatile blogger award from Donna of country side cottage. Check out Donna's blog and handmade items.

With this award I was to tell you 7 random things you don't know about me, or maybe some of you do.

1) I have a few more creative interests besides what you see here. I love messing around with photography and have won several photo contests much to my surprise. I also love to make Cold Process soap from scratch.

2) I love to be creative with cooking and just like my crafts, I tend to not know when to quit fussing and be done. I have to add just one more spice or ingredient until I sometimes end up with some very tasty meals. I also have to be in the mood and do not cook like this every day.

3) My house is very neat and tidy, never really dirty BUT you may not want to look at the cofusion going on in drawers and closets.

4) I know how to make every kind of coffee, latte, blended and frothy drink around. Why? because I work three days a week in a coffee bar.

5) I am a homebody and unlike most, I find getting ready for vacations, work and an inconvenience. I never like being that far away from my craft room! I do enjoy it once I am off, but you might as well tie me down to get me to get ready to go. When I get back I am more tired than before I left.

6) I like to have a quiet life and keep my commitments down to a minimum. I am not a group function person or joiner if you know what I mean. Don't ask me to go to this or that function and fill my schedule up, I will probably say no. Love my small group of friends and one on one time with them. I can completely entertain myself and not require company. Don't get me wrong, I love people and doing things, just in doses.

7) I can spend 4 hours in Hobby Lobby no problem. I can spend all day at craft bazaars and antique stores, but ask me to go to the mall and go shopping and I break out in hives.

These are pretty random! I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday. Thanks again Donna for adding my blog to your list of favorites.


  1. Thank you for sharing! We learned some fun things about you.

  2. Well, for one thing I could tell from your dollies that you are multi-talented. I imagine it bursts out in everything that you do. We do have some things in common :-) so you're all right in my book gal. Thanks for sharing sweetie.

  3. Hi Miss Jody,

    OK, I'm going to try this again! For some reason the "Word Verification" doesn't like me! :( Anyways, I swear you are my "twin"! Only, I'm not big on coffee! Love the smell but not the taste! I ~Love~ you new "Clover" bunny! Can't wait to see her finished! Kim

  4. It was so much fun learning more about you. I love at the mall. I hate it and never go unless I need something to wear to a wedding...heehee! Hubby says I am the only woman he knows that doesn't like to shop for clothes. ha!

    Thanks for sharing! I am coming for coffee :-)



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